Tyrras presentation

As my favor for Tyrras, he asked me to do a presentation on the Onefavor project to his class. The class is one concerned with socially engaged art and performance art, which I’m told this project qualifies. I’m still struggling with my public speaking, mostly because it terrifies me and stresses me out. Not a unique complaint, but it’s mine all the same. I spent a just about 8 hours, including the actual presentation, doing this favor. This was during the pandemic, so it was all done via zoom. You can review the presentation, if you’re interested, HERE.

It was encouraging, the feedback I got from Ty’s students. They were all pretty much on board with the idea, and had some great questions. Sort of an ouroboros of a favor, but that’s kind of the point of this. To complicate how people think about exchanging things with eachother. Or maybe simplify it? At the very least, make it all a bit more chill and stress free.